Saturday, June 16, 2012


He is happy to show you all he knows. He lives for your praise in all he does.
He is handsome with a heart of gold.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

A New Toy and a Freshly Mowed Lawn=Great Joy for Boy!

The lawn looks great! I'm ready for a romp!
A new toy for me?
Thank you so much!
I love it!
Time for that romp!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

We Love You, BOY!

                               Some days you just need a HUG,

                                          some KINDNESS,
                              and to be told it's going to be okay.

                                          You are THANKFUL,

                               because that's when you realize...

                                          YOU ARE LOVED

Aunt Becky Comes to Visit!

I am blessed to have wonderful people in my life who come by and spend time with the rescued dogs I am fostering. It is important when dogs have not had a lot of human contact or are just generally unsocialized to meet as many kind people as possible. It is always interesting for me to hear their feed back on the dogs. Boy has met Becky before and he was elated to see her again for a play date that was all about him!

Boy is such a young 4 year old! He is bursting with happiness and would LOVE an owner who would play with him every day. He adores toys and carries them around like trophies.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Boy's New Old Friend, Redmond

Another of the dogs from the Nevada rescue has joined us for rehabilitation. He was the most timid of all the dogs rescued. He was so afraid he would flatten himself and refuse to walk. The people who were caring for him nicknamed him "Pancake." His name is Redmond. He is a very sweet, nearly two year old, Bullmastiff. He was not used to being handled much, prior to arriving here. I set him and Boy up in large crates in the same room Teala had been in with Boy. They are kept separate but have each other as company. I knew Boy would be a great influence on Redmond, because he has learned what human affection is and is quite demanding of it. Redmond needed to witness the JOY of "cuddle time" and realize that Boy had no fear. It took only a day or so of watching Boy get attention for Redmond to decide he should try allowing me to handle him.
By just being his happy, confident, loving self, Boy has taught Redmond so much. Redmond now protests when it is not his turn to go out or have cuddle time. Every day Redmond grows more confidant and can be touched not only by me but by my friends who visit to spend time with the rescues. Redmond will be going back to Arizona to live with a man who spent a lot of time with him when he was first rescued. He has never forgotten Redmond and has decided to give him a forever home. I know Redmond will have a wonderful life with his new family, because they understand what he has been through and are doing everything they can to prepare a safe place where he will be happy.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Tall, Dark & Handsome Seeks...

Person who will love me forever, my soul mate, my best friend.

I am a healthy, athletic guy who is 4 years old but with the energy of a two year old.

I am talented and great at multi tasking!

 I have good manners. I love to be taught new things and I learn very fast!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Snow Boy!

The snow, ice and power outage delayed Boy's neuter and cat testing. As you can see, Boy did not mind that one bit! He enjoyed many good romps in the snow!

Happy New Beginning for the Darling Miss Dugan!

Not 9 inches of snow, nor a power outage, could stop all of us from making Dugan's adoption day a reality. The Keough family has adopted Teala and named her Dugan. She joins her big Brother, Huck-a former ABARS rescue dog as beloved members of this wonderful family. I am fortunate in that they go to the same vet as I do and they board their dogs with me when they travel. I will always know this darling girl.

Huck is elated to have a new Sister!

The many faces of BOY

He is so sweet and expressive!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Loveabull Snow Girl!

Dugan is having so much fun in what I believe is her first snow. What a perfect little snow angel she is!

Boy's First WA Snow!

Well, we were supposed to visit my vet today and have a "CAT" scan done on Boy to see if he is reactive to cats. This needs to be ruled out before he is adopted into a home with them.
 Instead it snowed. The vet clinic closed early and we stayed put thanks to several steep hills separating us from the clinic.
 Boy had such a good time frolicking in the snow that every picture I took except this one was a brindle blur! LOL!